

  • 木野 久志(hisashi.kino.a1[at]tohoku.ac.jp)
  • 嶋田 慶太(keita.shimada.c6[at]tohoku.ac.jp)
  1. Introduction and installation of Octave (6/14, 2019修正)
  2. Fundamentals of Octave/MATLAB(6/17,2019修正)
  3. Matrices and linear algebra I (6/21, 2019修正)
  4. Roots of algebraic and transcendental equations (6/24,2019修正)
  5. Least-square method and line fitting (6/27, 2019修正)
  6. Numerical integration and ordinary differential equations(7/1,2019修正)
  7. Signal processing Fourier (7/1, 2019修正)
  8. Probability theory: basics (7/8, 2019修正)
  9. Statistics I, Statistics I(7/11, 2019修正)
  10. Matrices and linear algebra II (7/26, 2019修正)
  11. Statistics II (7/26, 2019修正)
  12. Machine learning I  (7/29, 2019修正)
  13. Machine learning II (7/25, 2019修正)
